•    Middle size kalimba in gourd.                                                                                              Diameter between 16 and 18 cm.        

  • Kalimba in teak. Dimensions: 18,4cm x 25cm x thickness: 4,8cm 13 blades, tuning E Major E pentatonic low B:Si-Do#-Mi-Fa#-Sol#-Si-Do#-Mi-Fa#-Sol#-Si-Do#-Mi Ebony and oak easels.

  •   A CD of 12 original tracks.Total time : 64 m 05 s.  1. Goyave  2. Simple son   3. Chrysalide  4. Déca bossa   5. Songe en ré  6. Poum poum tchak  7. Afrock'n'roll  8. A pas de fourmi   9. Zanzibar  10. Stef mood  11. Gratte moi la puce  12. Tangana guinguette

  •  Kalimba with curved walnut table.  Set of  15 reeds.

  • Kalimba in vène (also called rosewood from Senegal).Dimensions: 18,4cm x 25cm x thickness: 4,8cm13 blades, tuning E Major E pentatonic low B:Si-Do#-Mi-Fa#-Sol#-Si-Do#-Mi-Fa#-Sol#-Si-Do#-MiEbony and oak easels.   Micro kalimba 7 reeds suitable for kids as young as 4 years.

  •   Large kalimba in tropical gourd .   Diameter between 18 and 20 cm.

  •  Large flat kalimba.  Diameter between 18 and 20 cm.

  • Kalimba in vène (also called rosewood from Senegal).Dimensions: 18,4cm x 25cm x thickness: 4,8cm13 blades, tuning E Major E pentatonic low B:Si-Do#-Mi-Fa#-Sol#-Si-Do#-Mi-Fa#-Sol#-Si-Do#-MiEbony and oak easels.   Micro kalimba 7 reeds suitable for kids as young as 4 years.

Kalimbas shop

Our kalimbas are of high acoustic quality.

We make them in a traditional way, entirely with natural materials.

Coconut bowls and tropical calabashes that serve as sound boxes come from fair trade with a Senegalese craftsman.

They are easy to use from an early age, thanks to the great flexibility of the blades.

Their modular tuning and acoustic quality also make them suitable for professionals (see amplified models).

The shop offers a wide range: diameters range from 11.5 to 37 cm, for a number of blades from 7 to 33.

There are 9 categories of kalimbas from 11.5 to 37 cm in diameter:

 - The micros

 - The averages

 - TheXXL

 - The minis

 - The big ones

 - The prototypes

 - The small one

 - The very lzrge

 - The Fair Trade ones

We only use solid wood.
For each kalimba, the table is available in 5 types of wood: lime, cherry, walnut, beech or mahogany.

The front bridge is made of ebony, the rear bridge of oak in general.

We also use amaranth and boxwood for prototypes. For the bar of pressure: a copper tube that can also be made of solid wood (see "accessories") or in solid steel. We also use brass wing nuts and steel blades flexible, soundproof and resistant springs.

For all these kalimbas, in the case of an oval shape, the smallest dimension is used is taken as the diameter.

Good music !

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